Choose Your Fighter
Each episode we will host a debate-battle, one-on-one, Podcaster v Podcaster, to compete with their fictional character against another fictional character.
Dean Giles
You may know Dean from such podcasts as: PodScure, How Are Ya Now?, and The Boondocks Podcast.

Demond Thompson
Once you’ve heard the six questions on Demond Does or taken a stroll through Hillman College with him on A Different World, you’ll know the gravitas.

Current Scrappers Bracket
Championship – Kato v Reacher
Friday, January 6th, 7pm Pacific / 10pm Eastern – The championship to crown the king of the Scrappers!
Tonight, two terrifying titans of temerity take on each other in a test of technique, timing, and toughness to take the title of champion!
You already know their names:
Kato from The Green Hornet vs. Jack Reacher!
Everything. Is. Disputed.
#Kato #TheGreenHornet #BruceLee #JackReacher #Reacher
Kato v Burton
Sunday, December 4th, 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern –
The last of the Final Four.
A pair of perfect pugilists to pique the most particular of pundits!
Who are these two practitioners of poundings, you ask?
Only two of the keenest of competitors to ever crack open a cranium:
Kato from The Green Hornet vs Amos Burton from The Expanse!
Everything. Is. Disputed.
#Kato #TheGreenHornet #BruceLee #AmosBurton #TheExpanser
Ah Sahm v Reacher
Thursday, November 10th. 7pm Pacific/10pm Eastern –
The first of the Final Four.
Two tactical technicians to tantalize your taste for brutality.
Who are these two bastions of barbarism, you ask?
Only two of the fiercest foes ever to furnish a fatality:
Ah Sahm from Warrior vs Jack Reacher!
Everything. Is. Disputed.
#AhSahm #Warrior #JackReacher
Kiddo v Burton
Thursday, October 27th.
7pm Pacific/10pm Eastern –
Two of the most tenacious exterminators ever to trounce and troublemaker.
Beatrix Kiddo (The Bride) from Kill Bill vs Amos Burton from The Expanse!
Everything. Is. Disputed.
#KillBill #BeatrixKiddo #AmosBurton #TheExpanse
Reacher v Bourne
Saturday, October 15th, 3pm Pacific / 6pm Eastern.
Two pummeling powerhouses make their way to pound the other into pulp!
Jack Reacher v Jason Bourne!
Everything. Is. Disputed.
#Reacher #Bourne