Scrappers Intermission

Scrappers Intermission

  Scrappers Intermission When one of your advocates ends up having to go to the hospital, what do you do?Demond and Dean call for a Scrappers Intermission to cover what’s gone on so far with the bracket, how we saw things when we started, and how we expect...
Ting v Beatrix Kiddo

Ting v Beatrix Kiddo

      Thursday, June 9th, 7pm Pacific / 10pm Eastern Bringing two HIGHLY trained martial artists who are on a fight for what’s right! One of them is a former assassin who’s set out for revenge on those who’ve wronged her. The other is...
Scrappers Intermission

Scrappers Seeding Spectacular

  Scrappers Seeding Spectacular You wanted ’em, we got ’em!  It’s a Scrappers Delight here on Disputed as we bring you 16 of the best fighters TV and film has to offer.  We seed them into this season’s bracketed tournament. Listen.  Subscribe. ...